Saturday, July 20, 2024


"Weird Al" Yankovic just dropped a new polka medley, but these aren't classic polka tunes. You'll hear polka versions of relatively pop songs like "WAP" and "Old Town Road" and "Thank You, Next." Not only that, but Yankvic recruited a slate of animators you may be familiar with to illustrate those tunes, some of them who came to his attention when they made Weird Al fan videos. I was hooked as soon as Cyriak Harris' unmistakable style led things off. Some of them snuck in references to other Weird Al songs that only true fans will recognize. You'll find a list of the songs and a list of the animators at the YouTube page.


Debra She Who Seeks said...


Anonymous said...

That led me to another video of Al "breaks down his most iconic tracks". Long at 17 minutes but engaging. No matter how rich and famous he gets he'll always be real people, the kind you'd love to have a beer with.