Monday, March 19, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

The Adventures of Kim Jong Un. There is no propaganda so persuasive as Saturday morning cartoons.

The 15 Most Ridiculous White House Pets. (via Monkeyfilter)

All About Grant Wood’s American Gothic.

Learn how a particle accelerator works, using donuts and other strange illustrations. That certainly cleared everything up for me.

LEGO unveiled its R2D2 set, containing 2127 pieces. Watch a video to see the long list of features that justify its price.

An excerpt from the book Escape from Camp 14 tells what it's like to grow up in a North Korean prison camp. Shin In Geun was born a prisoner, but finally heard about another world outside the fence. (via Metafilter)

One video has clips of 200 other viral videos linked together in some kind of logical order. If you recognize even half of them, consider yourself an internet junkie.

The new full-length trailer for Prometheus is out. Two factions battle for control of the Earth which sets up the universe where Alien was born.
Here's what jump rope looks like, if you are a rope. Bonus: the person jumping keep changing!

What happened to economic mobility in the U.S.? A person is more likely to stay in the economic class he is born into here than in Canada and most of Europe.

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