Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Good and Evil Robot Dogs

Introducing the Thermonatorm a robot dog that is equipped with a spotlight, laser guidance, and a flamethrower! The "first-ever flamethrowing quadruped robot dog" has a 30-foot firing range and is suggested for wildfire control (what?) snow and ice removal, and entertainment. What could possibly go wrong? Throwflame is taking orders for the Thermonator now. You can get one for just under $10K.   

If that sounds a little too evil for you, maybe this will make you feel better. Boston Dynamics has decided that its robot dog Spot has a brighter future in entertainment than anything else. After all, Spot's dance videos must be making bank at YouTube. Now they are looking to capture business from companies like Disney or even party rental rental places.

This is Sparkles, Spot's new robot dog friend that has the same structure underneath, but comes in a cute blue fur coat and enormous soulful eyes. Spot and Sparkles illustrate the magic of friendship by dancing! Now, does that make you feel better about the flamethrower? No? Me neither.


Anonymous said...

Weren't Jewish Space Lasers bad enough?

Anonymous said...

The dog dance is so fake... no butt sniffing.