Thursday, July 20, 2023

Black Cat Facts

Black cats are not a breed, just a color. Underneath, they are the same as other cats, even down to genetic patterning. But there are some unique things that come with a black fur coat, like a susceptibility to sun bleaching, problems with photography, and a reputation that means they might mean extra protection from superstitious people. What makes black cats different is all in how we perceive them. Yeah, it may be hard to discern a black cat's facial expression, but is that the cat's fault? No, just the limits of our eyesight.
Statistics show us that black cats are less likely to be adopted from shelters. So much that there's an organization in Los Angeles specifically to find homes for black cats and kittens, Black Cat Holistic Rescue champions the cats who need it most.

There are also ways around the fact that black cats are hard to photograph. Treehugger has some tips about proper lighting and other things you can do to highlight your black cat's good looks. They apply to black dogs as well.


Anonymous said...

Center-right looks like a mini panther...


Tim said...

Bombay cats are cool.

We met one at a cat show; in his line, their purrs sound like Sandhill Cranes--one of the neatest purrs I have heard.

Some breeds of cats will probably never have a black one. For instance, Birmans.