Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Laurence Brown's Spring Yard Cleanup

Spring brings sunshine, warm weather, and a host of yard work. Laurence Brown is facing his own yard work for the first time, and finds that he's inherited last fall's layer of leaves from the previous owner. Yard work is just part of owning an American-sized house, but Brown does not yet have a lawnmower nor a leaf blower. Funny how he had documented his culture shock for years, but gets a whole new dose of it as a homeowner. That's honestly less of an immigrant thing, and more of the same culture shock anyone has when they go from depending on their parents or landlord for environmental upkeep to taking care of everything yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A hard rake? Was gonna say wrong tool for the job but he got it done. Whinge for hours a 20 minute job but can’t be fired. Compast as in pasta? Wait till he tries some real America