Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Most Deadly Virus Ever

If you were to guess the deadliest virus on earth, the odds are good that you'd guess rabies. The only reason you wouldn't is because you don't think of rabies as something that would affect you or someone you love. We've done a pretty good job in isolating people from the Rabies lyssa virus, by living in houses, having our animals vaccinated, and using vaccine treatment immediately upon being bitten by an animal. Gothgrrl, who is a veterinary student, has been vaccinated, thank God. But lyssa is still a deadly virus because it works its way around your immune system. If it gets to the brain without treatment, you're a goner. And it's a horrible way to die. Kurzgesagt explains how lyssa works inside one's body, whether that body belongs to a wild animal or a person. This video is only nine minutes long; the rest is an ad.  

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