Monday, August 26, 2024

Tall or Rent

It took me a few minutes to figure out what he's saying. (via Pleated-Jeans)


Debra She Who Seeks said...


Der Mellow said...

Ouch. When you know the sound of words, but not the meaning.

As a foreigner far, far away in Upper Bavaria (where we have a quite functional school system): Can that be real? Please tell me it's a kind of joke...🤨

Miss Cellania said...

While Americans do not have to be literate in order to type, I believe this must be a joke. That's an awful lot of words to spell right but still be so wrong. Even with autocorrect.

Bicycle Bill said...

As someone who spent almost 25 years working at a university in the US, just let me that that „Du hast noch nichts gesehen“.

-"RW"- ... (for 'Radfahrer Willi')

Anonymous said...
