Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Rosetta Stone Klingon

Honestly, it’s about time they offered a Rosetta Stone set to learn Klingon! And who better the endorse the product than Michael Dorn? This set, despite the $269 price tag, is sure to be a hit among the kind of folks I see around the internet.

 Klingon may be a difficult language for humans to wrap their smooth heads around, but it's made even more complicated by the constant threat that saying the wrong thing might accidentally land you in a battle to the death. And that's why you need the comprehensive Learn to Speak Klingon course from Rosetta Stone.

You never want to find yourself in a position where you're flipping through a copy of Introduction to Klingon Grammar, trying to sound fluent in front of a group of native speakers with photon torpedoes. This complete Klingon software package will enable you to express your thoughts safely and effectively in Klingon and master the conversational skills required to conduct negotiations, request medical assistance, and partake in the rich Klingon culture.

Get yours today ("today" being the important part) from Think Geek. So far, the response is pretty much “Please, be real!” and “Shut up and take my money!” Think Geek may have gotten themselves into a worm hole of development that will suck up a lot of time the rest of the year. After all, when an idea is this good, they’ve moved heaven and earth to make it happen for real on several occasions. (via Metafilter)

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