Friday, July 21, 2023



gwdMaine said...

Cod almighty! Y'all got any more of that fish bait?

Happy Friday Miss C!

WilliamRocket said...

IMPERIAL forceCaptain ROD PERCH completed a FEET of RULE, METERing out punishment to the rebel pirate GALLeONS for being in LEAGUE with MILES La ACR'E, the phantom that couldn't FATHOM out the CHAINS of ROD, even though the LINK was on line FURLONG time.

I was going to write about MILES La ACRE being infamous for laying a CABLE in the loo, but that would be ROOD.

Viva la metric ... common in, ooh, I don't know, 194 of the 197 countries of the world.

Yes, talking about you, Liberia, Myanmar and USA.

gwdMaine said...

🙄🎣 🤣

Miss Cellania said...

As was expected.

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!