Monday, June 06, 2022

Tweet of the Day

This is what our kids are learning in school. What kind of childhood is that? It's no wonder we have a mental health crisis in the US.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Truly chilling.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Chilling. Very chilling indeed.

Anonymous said...

The parents already know about this; it's the non-parents who need to watch it. I was explaining to the 9YO the other day about duck and cover, and she decided that sounded preferable to "bad guy practice".

Miss Cellania said...

The difference between nuclear attack drills and active shooter drills is that the nuclear attack never happened.

Miss Cellania said...

Also, not all parents know this. I just recently found out how often my kids (who are now adults) had active shooter drills. They regarded it as normal and not something worth telling Mom about, like I wouldn't tell my folks every time we had a fire drill or a nuclear attack drill. It's not normal.

Anonymous said...

Ah sorry, I wasn't trying to excuse or normalize the behavior of either school shooters or potential nuclear Armageddon.

Miss Cellania said...

I didn't mean to come across as upset. No need to apologize!

Anonymous said...

I probably get eight or ten emails a year from the school about, when they are going to have a drill, how the drill went, how to talk to the kid about it, what resources are available.

WilliamRocket said...

Heart breaker ...geez, what a country.
Get rid of your government, they're working not for you.

Geo said...

Instead of paper over the window, how about shooting the shooter?