Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

The Day the Music Died. They weren’t the first nor the last musicians to die in a plane crash, but the events of February 3, 1959 left an indelible mark.

The History of the Snowmobile. It's the story of Armand Bombardier and why you’ve never heard of his biggest invention, the Ski-Dog.

On the Shores of New York's Mysterious Island of Animal Disease. Take a secondhand tour of the forbidden Plum Island.

15 ways to deal with a bad case of cinematic amnesia. Just in case you’ve forgotten how movies and TV shows that employ this trope used it to ridiculous ends.

The Universe's First Molecule Is Shrouded in Mystery. There should be plenty of the the helium hydride ion, but we haven’t been able to find it.

Diving into the worst-rated movies on IMDb. Now I actually want to see a few of these twenty horrid films.

Codebreaker Elizebeth Friedman vs. the Rum Runners.

The Hymn of Acxiom. Lovely song, but the meaning is creepy as hell. (Thanks, WDitot!) 

Roald Dahl’s Fight Against Measles.  

Futility Closet posted the Coin Paradox, a puzzle that might make your eyes glaze over, or could spur some of you to compete over who has the best, clearest explanation. (via Boing Boing)


Anonymous said...

Wow - On this day here in Bellevue Tennessee, we are marking the first anniversary of a terrible plane crash the took 4 lives - the plane missed hitting a full YMCA facility by a matter of feet.

Ken D said...

WOW! I have wondered if I should even bother to comment on such a trivial "puzzle". You have my e-mail, if I must explain I will. explanation requires 5 words, one of which is "a".

Miss Cellania said...

There's a discussion about it at Neatorama. http://www.neatorama.com/2015/02/03/The-Coin-Paradox/ Explanations range from wrong to simple to unbelievably detailed.