Tainted Love for Halloween

One last Halloween video, and we can pack it up and get ready for Christmas! Broken Peach gives us their Halloween version of "Tainted Love," first recorded by Gloria Jones in 1964. (via Metafilter

Seriously, I saw my first Christmas ad Thursday. I'm not putting up any decorations until Thanksgiving.

Día de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos is observed on November first and second. While it may look like Halloween, the traditions more closely resemble All Saint's Day. Read more about Día de los Muertos at Kidspace Children's Museum. (via Laughing Squid)


It's an eye-opener, isn't it? I think he just figured out why he has to sleep 16 hours a day. Maybe life doesn't have to be so exhausting altogether. Who knows? This comic is from Jimmy Craig at They Can Talk. 

Ghostbusters by a Chorus of Electronic Devices

It's time for some Ghostbusters! But this isn't Ray Parker, Jr. It's an entire chorus of electronic devices! The Device Orchestra consists of 14 electronic gadgets, including electric toothbrushes, calculators, a steam iron, razors, printers, and even a nail polishing device. Spare a thought for the wiring and programming that went into producing this song, but also relax and enjoy these googly-eyed little gadgets as they sing the song of the season for you. (via Gizmodo)

Skeleton Frolics

Skeleton Frolics is a spooky Ub Iwerks cartoon from 1937. Iwerks did the classic Skeleton Dance in 1929 when he was at Disney. This is a sort-of remake for Columbia Pictures, upgraded and in color.

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort

Halloween Hijinks Caught on Doorbell Cameras

People who use Ring doorbell and security cameras send in unusual things they've recorded to the company, who makes compilation videos for our amusement. This is the Halloween edition, in which we see plenty of costumed characters, some acting as expected and others not so much. There are also creepy critters, from spiders and bats to a bear who wants that pumpkin and a coyote who wants that house cat. (via Boing Boing)

Trick or Treat

Score two for the aliens! Don't tell them that aliens just make better costumes because 1. we don't know what they look like, which opens up a world of imagination, and 2. ghost costumes are just difficult to wear. This comic is from Sarah Andersen's Club Cryptid.

So Dang Dark

Rhett & Link have a new song about their fear of the dark, appropriate for the Halloween season. The song is not bad, and the lyrics are pretty goofy. The video is downright cool, with all the fluorescent touches. So what are they afraid of? They are afraid of the same things you and I are afraid of: athlete’s foot and fractions. (via Tastefully Offensive)

World Record LEGO Build Did Not Go as PLanned

Paul Ufema set a Guinness World Record for putting together the LEGO Colosseum set in February. That's more than 9,000 pieces, and he did it in less than 14 hours! Well, once you've had the thrill of setting a world record, you want that thrill again, so Ufema plunged ahead, this time tackling the LEGO Millennium Falcon, which has 7,541 pieces. He put the set together in 16 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds, which is a world record time. But there was a problem- one piece left in the box. Ufema was ultimately disqualified from the record. But he has our respect, nonetheless. (via Laughing Squid)

Witch Burning

Click to the right to advance the comic. This reminds me of the self-defeating tests for witchcraft. You know, throw her into the lake, and if she floats, she's guilty and we'll burn her. If she sinks, she's innocent, but dead. Except in the trial shown above, the accuser gets to go along for the ride. This comic is from Patrick Cheng at CatTrigger Comics. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Oh Long Johnson Remix

South African musician The Kiffness has been having fun doing musical remixes of internet videos. His fans keep suggesting he do something with the original Talking Cat video, also known as Oh Long Johnson. He finally succumbed to their wishes with a simple reggae-flavored tune.  

You might notice that The Kiffness doesn't use all that much of the original video, and interprets the language a bit differently than has become standard. For a stroll down memory lane, here's the video version that first appeared on America's Funniest Home Videos in 1998.  

Miss Cellania's Links

Gothtober: a Calendar of Halloween Treats. Most of the entries are short (1-3 minute) videos having to do with horror or Halloween. (via Metafilter

How Much Candy Should You Buy for Halloween? The basic formula is time x kids x generosity, but there are confounding factors to consider. (via Fark)

Using a Drone to Change a Light Bulb.

Why Dragons Dominated the Landscape of Medieval Monsters.

Inside America's last whites-only church.

The secret lives of cells — as never seen before. Cryo-electron tomography allows scientists to see individual proteins as they exist in a cell structure. (via Damn Interesting)

Ode to the Asian-American Faces in the Shadows of Hollywood’s Golden Age.

Create Your Personal Fruit Tier. Beside the fun of making it, you can share it and compare it to your friends' and family's favorite fruits. (via Boing Boing)

Facebook Announced It Was Changing Its Name To 'Meta' And The Internet Had A Field Day.

A blast from the past (2015): 8 Haunted Places and the Ghost Stories Behind Them.

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort

Anything Can Happen On Halloween

This music video from the 1986 TV movie The Worst Witch features Tim Curry and some really bad green screen effects. Curry brings the sex appeal, though. (via Digg)

The First Day of School as a Kid

I love the confluence of "This isn't so bad" and "I have to do this tomorrow?" This graph is from Matt Shirley.

I Don't Know

The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Class of 2016 performs a parody of "Let It Go" that illustrates the stress of working toward that MD. The relevant comment: "When you wanna be a singer, but your parents forces you to be a doctor."

Miss Cellania's Links

The 200 Best Horror Movies of All Time. (via Mental Floss)

Costumed Canines from the 2021 Tompkins Square Dog Parade.

Meet The Confederate Terrorist Who Fought With Fire, Bombs, And Germs.

Welcome to the Keanuverse: A Keanu Reeves Supercut.

The Unceasing Cessna Hacienda. How two pilots, a small plane, and a truck shattered the world record for endurance flight.

A Wall of Wind Power. Joe Doucet designed the Wind Turbine Wall that turns 25 vertical rods to produce household electricity. (via Kottke)

Rescued from extinction, bison rediscover Romania mountains. (via Fark)

The Most Useless Things They Teach You In School. Or things that are completely wrong.

A hospital hiked the price of a routine childbirth by calling it an 'emergency.' A mother in labor was told to go through the emergency entrance because it was the only entrance open, but that meant thousands more dollars.

A blast from the past (2015): The Spellbinding Stories of 6 Historic Witches.

A LEGO Hobbit Halloween

Merry and Pippin learn the hard way that Halloween pranks can backfire! Enjoy this stop-motion LEGO animation by the Brotherhood Workshop. (via Daily of the Day)

Tweet of the Day

Well, that makes cents. (via Fark)


On the British game show Tipping Point, the contestants get their pop culture references a little mixed up. (via Digg)

The Craziest Thing I Ever Bought!!

Laura Kampf looked online for storage containers, but what she ended up with was so much cooler. First, this set of crates shows high quality workmanship. Then we get to see the features inside them (holy cow!). Then we find out their purpose, which is cooler still. Since Kampf bought these crates for her workshop, I am sure she will find a totally cool purpose for each of them. (via Metafilter

Batman vs. Dracula

Click to the right to advance the comic. You knew there would be a showdown one day, but it's not at all violent. Just kind of awkward. This comic is from The Mediocre Superheroes.

The Earth and Sun as Seen from Moon's South Pole

We've seen videos of the sunrise and sunset from Antarctica, in which the sun appears to just go around in circles horizontally. The same thing happens if you are at the moon's south pole. This simulation shows the heavens from the perspective of the south pole of the moon, with an added treat of the Earth! It's upside down, and just bobs in and out of sight, because the moon only rotates once a month and the same side is always facing the Earth. However, "same side" doesn't mean much when you are at the pole. Cool! (via Pictojam)

Carrie, the Animated Version

This video employs the audio of the trailer for the 2013 remake of the 1974 film Carrie and video clips from Disney's Cinderella. When you think about it, the plots are eerily similar: Oppressed girl goes to the big dance against the wishes of her mother with the aid of the supernatural. Cinderella didn't have quite so much blood -at least the Disney version didn't. (via Metafilter)

Four Seasons Total Documentary

Right after the election of 2020, the Trump campaign booked a press conference at what was meant to be the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia, but instead they called Four Seasons Total Landscaping Company. The landscaping business said sure, and the press conference featuring Rudy Giuliani was held on November 7. The location mix up was funny, and Four Seasons Total Landscaping became a media sensation.

A new documentary tells the tale from the other side, that of the landscapers themselves, who were pretty chill and had a sense of humor about it. Four Seasons Total Documentary will air on the anniversary of the press conference, Sunday, November 7 on MSNBC. (via Metafilter)   

An Honest Trailer for Halloween Kills


The movie Halloween Kills has been in theaters for eleven days now, and we've already got an Honest Trailer. I guess Screen Junkies wanted to give us a thrill in time for Halloween. Let me guess- it's about Jamie Lee Curtis being menaced by and ultimately defeating a masked serial killer named Michael Myers. Since this is the 12th Halloween movie, that's a safe bet. The Honest Trailer finds all the plot holes and stupidity in Halloween Kills, but can't decide if this is an intentional parody or just a lazy retread of a 40-year-old story that worked once upon a time.

I'll Never Be Your

This is what happens when a cartoonist free-associates. I think I like the last one best. This nonsense is brought to you by Deliberately Buried Comics. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

The Lion King First Rehearsal After Pandemic Break

The Lion King opened on Broadway last month after an 18-month pandemic break. The cast was reassembled in August to rehearse for the first time since March 2020, and things became a little emotional. I don't see why, after all, it's not like everyone cries when they hear "The Circle of Life." Tshidi Manye returns as Rafiki, a role she's played for 24 years now. Director Julie Taymor warned the performers that it would be emotional to sing together again, and she was right. 

If that's not enough for you, you can also see the first rehearsal of the UK production here

Miss Cellania's Links

A Few Possible Explanations for Werewolves. (via Strange Company)

We Will Do Anything to Get You to Work for Us Except Pay You Enough.  (via Nag on the Lake

13 Writer's Homes You Can Visit for Inspiration. (via Everlasting Blort)

“The Liberty Way”: How Liberty University Discourages and Dismisses Students’ Reports of Sexual Assaults. (via Metafilter)

The Secret Excavation of Jerusalem. These were the real raiders trying to find the lost Ark.

What could be more fun than non-stop crowdsourced puns? The challenge in a Fark discussion thread is "Ruin a band name with food." 

40 Times People Shared How Messed Up The US Healthcare System Is.

50 Decorating Tips from Legendary Interior Designer Nina Campbell.  (via Nag on the Lake

This Guy Spends $150 a Year to Eat All His Meals at a Theme Park. (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2014): 9 Incredible Stories of Lost and Found Cats.

Internet Trolls – The Halloween Musical

What’s the scariest monster you can think of? That’s right, online trolls! And to add to the horror, they now have their own musical number, courtesy of AVbytes. As you’d expect, they are fairly proud of the chaos, discord, and misery they leave across the web. The lyrics to this song are posted at the YouTube page. (via Laughing Squid)

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)

Garfield’s Halloween Adventure


Millennials will recall this Halloween special from 1985. Here's more about Garfield's Halloween Adventure. They will tell you that is was scarier, and therefore better, than you would expect from Garfield. (via reddit

Mr. Blue Sky

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem perform "Mr. Blue Sky," the hit song by Electric Light Orchestra for the Dear Earth special that premiered Saturday. In this video, Zoot gets the vocal honors, and even uses a talk box to recreate the original sound. The band is joined by a field of flowers, which would sound ridiculous if this were anyone else but the Muppets. (via Boing Boing

Lazy Cat Costume Ideas

From the marvelous webcomic Pusheen. I'll skip all these because my cats are already dressed for Halloween. One is a black witch cat, one is a white ghost cat, and one is big and round and orange, like a pumpkin.


That's what they want you to think. (via Bits and Pieces)

Vaccine Party

Americans may not be familiar with the covid vaccines used around the world. What we call the Pfizer vaccine is known as Biontech in Germany. No one at all calls it Comirnaty. While the US has three so far, Britain, India, Russia, China, and other countries have produced their own vaccines. What if they all (or at least of a few of them) got together for a party? The comedy troupe Foil Arms and Hog made it happen. Each vaccine has their own quirks, but it's when they interact that things get interesting. Covaxin throwing shade at AstraZeneca is so delicious you might not even notice when a taste of Abbot and Costello sneaks in. (via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

A Roundup of Spooky, Funny, and Awesome Skeleton Displays for Halloween 2021.

Oldest Ever Drawing of a Ghost Discovered at the British Museum. Accompanied by instruction for meeting his needs. (via Strange Company)

An Analysis of James Bond's Exposure to Infectious Agents. A scientific paper in the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease takes an in-depth look at the dangers Bond confronts as he travels the world, kills people, and beds numerous women. (via Metafilter

How to Dissect a Poisonous Pufferfish for Consumption. With a toy! (via Nag on the Lake)

Grandpa tried to record a train passing. What he really recorded is so much better.

Tales from the Set of The Addams Family Movie. (via Digg)

Drones Were to Rescue Dogs Stranded by Volcano, But Someone Beat them to It.

Trump's Social Media Platform Could Already Face Legal Issues, After Allegedly Ripping Off Code.

Can Cats See Ghosts? Let's just say they can see things we cannot. (via Strange Company)

A blast from the past (2014): 9 Impressive Halloween Costumes from 2014.

75 Years of Superman

From 2013: DC Comics made an animated retrospective for Superman's 75th anniversary, by Man of Steel director Zach Snyder and animator Bruce Timm. As it is only two minutes long, not every aspect of Superman's comic book career is covered, but you'll recognize many important scenes. His TV and movie careers are touched on lightly as well. In case you don't immediately recognize every scenario, there's a guide at the DC Comics site that explains what's happening every couple of seconds. (via Metafilter)

Tweet of the Day

This Tweet is not recent, but I saw the picture and couldn't resist sharing it. The artist is Peter de Sève, and this image titled Something Familiar made the cover of The New Yorker a few years ago.

A Puff Before Dying

Filmmakers Michael Reich and Mike Pinkney use marionettes to illustrate the dangers of driving while high. A Puff Before Dying is a spoof of road-safety PSAs, in which three teenage girls smoke marijuana. They hallucinate some really cool stuff, but eventually we find out how easy it is to portray graphic carnage with puppets.  

While it is satire, this film is listed as a PSA at the National Road Safety Foundation website. Read more about the film at Short of the Week.

What Really Scares Adults

When you're a little kid, there's nothing scarier than thinking about what might be under your bed, or who's watching you from the closet. Then you get a little older and the scariest things are xenomorphs and serial killers in masks. But it's when you become an adult and in charge that you really find out what's scary. They are the things that really happen and you can't just get rid of them by turning off the TV or going to sleep. The Holderness Family sings about what's truly scary, and those things have nothing to do with Halloween. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

The Tables Have Turned

As has been said many times, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Commenters speculate that the next panel would be the sun confronting the grass... over something or other. This comic is from Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz at War and Peas.

The Ghost of Biden Past

The presidency has been hard on Joe Biden. For last night's opening skit on Saturday Night Live, we take a look back at the Biden we knew from previous decades with guest host Jason Sudeikis.

S'More Monsters

Look at these monster s'mores! Sure they are cute, but you can tell by looking that they are extremely sweet, too. They're made with cut-up marshmallows, heated up in the oven. The pupils are chocolate chips. Click to the right on the above image to get the full instructions for these Halloween treats by Jodi Levine for the New York Times. The messiest part would be cutting the marshmallows with kitchen shears, but compared to the mess of eating s'mores made around a campfire, that's nothing. (via Everlasting Blort)

Kayak the Hedgehog

Kayak was a sick baby hedgehog when he was taken in by a volunteer with the Hedgehog Welfare Society. Kayak was underweight and too weak to walk. But with loving care and determination, he's beaten the odds to become a small but healthy (and cute) hedgehog. (via Daily of the Day)

Tweet of the Day

How did they do it? The explanation is in the third paragraph here. (via Everlasting Blort)


It's spooky season, and a poltergeist is ready to party! Get ready for some expressionist Halloween Euro-funk with a thirsty ghost suffering from dance fever. He's ready to shake that spectral booty! LOLNEIN produced the song last year, and this year added a cartoon to go with it. The lyrics are pure poetry that works on different levels, ranging from total nonsense to strangely clever. (via reddit)

The Monster Returns

Simon Tofield's Halloween cartoon this year has Simon's Cat and the kitten discovering where the monster lives. Or, as we would call it, the vacuum cleaner. This is a truly terrifying tale, for cats.

For Me But Not For Thee

Click to the right to advance the comic. This story makes its point about hypocrisy, but the setting doesn't make much sense. You get the idea that the lady is a n00b, which would put this at a local TV news outlet. I've worked in local TV, and you can starve doing that. And yes, there are news anchors who make enough to buy a private jet, but they are in prime time at the national outlets after working their way up or leaving the senate or something. This comic is from Sobering Mirror.

Here Comes the Ice Cream Truck!

Aww, isn't this adorable! This Australian shepherd knows what's coming. It's the ice cream man! The internet sleuths at Fark traced the video back to its original source and translated the story. This happened in Harelbeke, Belgium. Ice cream man Jo Vuylsteke is an animal lover who knows all the pets on his route and gives them "cookies" (cones). His favorite is Luna, who is always so excited to see him coming. That's a good dog.   

Hell No: The Sensible Horror Movie

People in horror films do the stupidest things, because otherwise there wouldn't be much to scream about. (via Neatorama)

Tweet of the Day

(via Bored Panda)

Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)

Melania Safka and The Edwin Hawkins Singers perform the title track to Melanie's 1970 album. She wrote this song about her experience at Woodstock.


Yeah, that's a messed up story. Still, we hoped for something a little less mundane. This comic is from Danby Draws.

Giant Pumpkin Drop

Growing giant pumpkins for competition can be a satisfying hobby, but there's always the question of what to do with the pumpkin afterward. One in Oregon grew to 1200 pounds, but then developed a hole that disqualified it for competition.

The organizers of Bauman's Harvest Festival in Gervais, Oregon, came up with an idea. To entertain the crowd, they brought in a crane and a pool and dropped the pumpkin from a height of 100 feet! While waiting for the splash, you kind of wish that they'd dropped this gourd without a pool underneath. But when you see the aftermath, you realize that even small chucks of a pumpkin that big could have caused some real damage to someone in the crowd. A good time was had by all. (via Digg)

Miss Cellania's Links

Disease, Demons, and Discord—How the Vampire Myth Was Born.

New Ohio License Plate Design Corrected. You'd think people from Ohio would know which way the Wright Brothers flew. (via Fark

How Might Animals Evolve in the Next Million Years? (via Metafilter)

Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it. (via Damn Interesting

The Mysterious Tragedy of the S.S. Ourang Medan. The crew was found dead, but we still don't know why -and there's a lot more we don't know.  

Build the Home Alone House in LEGO! The almost-4K piece set comes in 24 bags so the build can follow the plot of the movie. (via Gizmodo)

You Can Now Buy the Wes Craven Nightmare On Elm Street House for $3.25 Million.

Ten horror movies set in Maine that are not based on Stephen King stories. Some of them were even popular. (via Fark)

How Billionaires Have Fared During the Pandemic. (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2013): TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY!

32 Superstition Origins

The strange thing about superstitions is that people through the ages wondered about their origins. If they didn't know the story, they made one up …so actual origins are difficult to pinpoint. But you'll learn something about your favorite superstitions in this mental_floss video, and you'll probably learn about some new superstitions you've never heard of before. Just more ways to give yourself bad luck! (via mental_floss)

Squid Game, Animated

If you like your Squid Game with a lot less blood and a lot more dancing, check out this animated sequence by Kotte Animation. Oh yeah, and a lot more laughs. (via reddit)



Click to the right to advance the comic. We've all suspected that our cats may have an agenda we know nothing about. Turns out that's true. This comic is from Ben Hed at Pet Foolery