Thursday, October 21, 2021



  1. I'm hearing stories that firefighters are just as bad as cops. I don't know how true this is, but seems possible given the similar mindsets.

  2. I'm hearing stories that people who post as 'Anonymous' just make shit up since there's no way they can be called out on it.


  3. I'm hearing stories that people think they are not anonymous when they post under a pseudonym such as Bicycle Bill.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I read that Bi Cycle Bill swings both ways, anonymously, that Anonymous Lee doesn't know the difference between a gun and a hose, and that Coke A Kolo J needs to understand that it is the bad apple that gets the press.
    In my experiences with police over 50 years I have witnessed two officers speak arrogantly, which is less than 1% of my interactions with the law.
    Mind you, I was the observer not the 'criminal', and also we are an unarmed country so nobody is shooting hot lead around (BANG, KA-BOOM).
    Imagine what a nice place here would be, here being THIS planet, if the Covid Delta plague killed off just the testosterone, not the people.
    You'd lose nearly all aggression, pissing contests gone, overnight.

    We're all pretty much anonymous, but calling yourself Anonymous shows a little lack of imagination, stops us forming any mental picture, and ... well, there are so many people using the same moniker that it makes it hard to know who is who !


    Vaccination rates

    LA Firefighters 51%
    LA Police 52%

    Shows a similar mindset in people who are purported in charge of aiding the public safety.
