Friday, October 22, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Disease, Demons, and Discord—How the Vampire Myth Was Born.

New Ohio License Plate Design Corrected. You'd think people from Ohio would know which way the Wright Brothers flew. (via Fark

How Might Animals Evolve in the Next Million Years? (via Metafilter)

Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it. (via Damn Interesting

The Mysterious Tragedy of the S.S. Ourang Medan. The crew was found dead, but we still don't know why -and there's a lot more we don't know.  

Build the Home Alone House in LEGO! The almost-4K piece set comes in 24 bags so the build can follow the plot of the movie. (via Gizmodo)

You Can Now Buy the Wes Craven Nightmare On Elm Street House for $3.25 Million.

Ten horror movies set in Maine that are not based on Stephen King stories. Some of them were even popular. (via Fark)

How Billionaires Have Fared During the Pandemic. (via Digg)

A blast from the past (2013): TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY!



    Have a great weekend!

  2. Okay, bacteriophages could be injected into the human body to fight bacterial infections. But bacteriophages also give bacteria "novel genes that cells can retool to gain new functions." ...What could possibly go wrong?


    Ohio: Of course they're confused,
    considering the first flight was
    in Kitty Hawk, NORTH CAROLINA. If
    I was NC, I'd be all over this.

    The S.S. Ourang Medan: Didn't
    anyone question that lone survivor
    about that large sealed box he
    rowed ashore with? Perhaps he
    conveniently forgot to mention it?
    I don't think so. And this Silvio
    Scherli dude. Seems to know a lot
    about EXPORTING stuff. It's well
    known that some things can't cross
    water without assistance. And now
    there's no remaining records. . .

    Maine Horror: I'm disappointed they
    left out the classic zombie movie
    "2" - filmed entirely on location
    in Biddeford, Maine. Sadly, this
    masterpiece seems to have dropped
    into history's dustbin, however, I
    was able to find the trailer on
    YouTube: Movie Trailer - 2.
    Full disclosure: I was Zombie 38,
    or maybe 39. I dunno, I forget.

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  4. Happy Friday, gwdMaine! I didn't know you were a movie star!

  5. 35,000 Ohio plates have to be recycled because the plane is flying from left to right instead of right to left? What difference does it make? Talk about government waste.

  6. Bruce - In order for the plane to be towing the banner as shown on the plate, it would have to be flying backward, not something plane are often known to do.
