Thursday, September 19, 2024

The First Plastic Surgery Patient

The first real plastic surgery was the reconstruction of Walter Yeo's face after he was badly wounded in World War I. Dr. Harold Gillies found Yeo to be a good candidate for a surgical technique he had developed involving skin grafts, but had never been used for a wounded face covered in scar tissue. It wasn't easy. The technique worked, but Yeo's treatment took years to complete due to infection. We've come a long way since then with, for example, surgical gloves and masks. Gillies improved his grafting technique and was able to repair the faces of many other war veterans with even worse damage. A hundred years later, we've seen quite a few complete face transplants that can restore drastically injured people to a semblance of normal life.

1 comment:

  1. Starting with helicopters and MASH units in Korea the US military has improved their ability to transport the injured to medical facilities faster and faster.
    The side effect being doctors are confronted with more horrendous injuries than ever.
