Monday, January 29, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

What happens when an astronaut in orbit says he’s not coming back? It happened on the space shuttle in 1985. (via Nag on the Lake)

15 of History’s Greatest Mysteries.

The Walking Dead Countdown to a Rick and Michonne Reunion.

Texas cold leaves alligators 'frozen' underwater, but still alive. Here's how. (via Damn Interesting)

The most reliable way to become a billionaire is to inherit it. More people are doing it than ever before.

Codie Didn't Get the Hint. A clueless Navy submariner tries to figure out what's going on with his wife.

Driver Removes 'Road Closed' Sign, Promptly Discovers Why The Road Was Closed.

This Nomadic Eccentric Was the Most Prolific Mathematician in History. The bizarre life and legacy of Paul Erdős, the most prolific mathematician ever. (via Strange Company

Rough Play: The Dirty and Dangerous History of McDonald's PlayPlaces.


  1. "Why the road was closed'

    If that isn't an insurance scam attempt I don't know what is !

    They steal a car and then ignore, even move, the Road Closed sign ... and then they drive SO CLOSE to the centre line that they fall into the chasm of stupidity ???

    Nah, I'm over 12 thousand kilometres away and I can see it was all intentional.

    This is the sh ... stuff that increases your insurance premiums ... that person is stealing from YOU !

    And a car rolling over and dropping 2 metres doesn't catch fire by itself (unless it is battery powered) the petrol tank is sealed and there are cut off switches on all cars since about 1985.

    Then the driver, maybe a passenger too, ran off before the rescue services came ... its a very rural area, where did they run off to ? They obviously got picked up.


    What's with the female 'rescue' worker ?
    I don't mean to sound sexist but ... well, we've all heard about trans blokes being better swimmers than actual real women, hey.
    So that woman got her job through tokenism ?

    And even still she would have to work SO MUCH harder just to match the other rescue workers.

    Also, how come she is the only one without a jacket on, does she have a need to show bumps on her chest so as people know she is not a man ? ... or maybe doesn't feel the cold or need protection from fire/chemicals/stares from old men, offered by the jacket.


    Oops, I realised that the car could have been coming from the other direction, and hence just drove straight into the chasm of stupidity without seeing it because they felt they didn't need to watch the road as the drove long it.

    Obviously the roll over and accelerated fire ensured that their lights were not working, so obviously they couldn't see the absence of tarmac.

    The full name is Tarmacadam, after the Scottish guy that invented it.

  2. ^Fruit Loop^

    MacKenzie Scott
    Married for 25 years and walked away with $37,000,000,000...
    $1,480,000,000 a year,
    $4,054,795 a day,
    $168,950 an hour.
    Good job.
