Monday, January 29, 2024

Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies are light and delicate and catch our eyes with an amazing variety of vivid colors as they flutter about. This is all due to some really complex and intricate systems that they've evolved. The way they fly through the air involves some astonishing physics tricks. Their colors have different purposes, and come about through different schemes. Add those tricks to the weird way they transform from a caterpillar to something completely different, and you have to wonder why they didn't just take over the world while they're at it. Anyway, you'll learn a lot from the latest episode of Ze Frank's True Facts series. There's a one-minute skippable ad at 7:14.

1 comment:

  1. Aw c'mon, do you expect us to believe that science fiction, that fairy tale, butterflies don't exist. Moths don't either, it's woke propaganda.
