Thursday, November 21, 2019

Humans are Adorable


  1. GUMANS? in the headlines? a typo or a really good pun I didn't get?

  2. that is, headline? ( See what I did there---my very own typo!) . (Sorry, I'm short on coffee.)

  3. Despite the abundant negative press gumans

  4. What is poptarts ? We don't have them where I live (outside the USA) and I worry about my search history being tainted if I look the phrase up.
    Also, where I live (outside the USA) Popsicles are frozen flavoured water wrapped in a gaudy wrapper, the sort of thing a 5 to 9 year old child would like, do grown people in the USA save them in the freezer for times of stress ?
    Pickles ? You mean like cucumber slices drowned in acidic liquid ? As a comfort food ? But without the comfort of the burger itself ?
    Vive la difference and all that, but wow, pickles as comfort food ... must make a heck of a mess in the bed.

  5. My apologies for the typo, everyone! I am a horrible typist, and it doesn't help that the letters have worn off the keys on my keyboard. I fixed it.

  6. We love you anyhow! We all do the same thing---no worries!

  7. I think Miss Cellania and a small group of people
    know exactly what she meant. And now she's deleted it.
    Hmmm. I would have left it. Without further comment.

    What is poptarts? Poptarts is Cookietime! It's like
    asking what is Marmite? And Mr. Rocket has obviously
    never had a shot of pickle juice either.
