Friday, August 22, 2008

Blogiversary 3

When you get real busy, or you get really old, time speeds up and you can't believe another week, or year, or decade has gone by. It was three years ago today that I published the first post at Miss Cellania (which was actually here). It seems like just yesterday, but the days are a blur when you're raising kids.

For my first Blogiversary in 2006, I published a collection of silly generated images of myself. I still do that when the opportunity arises, but not often enough for another collection. For my second Blogiversary, I made a timeline of blog milestones, with links. Since I have that, I'll just give a few links on what's gone on in the third year.

This year, I tried to do some 100% original content posts, starting with the Playhouse post in November. Then I posted about my vacation in Memphis in a two-part post at mental_floss, and also my projects Hillbilly Recycling and Salsa Time! I'll do more of that  if I do anything even remotely interesting.

In December, The ABC World News Webcast used my voice for a video countdown segment. They contacted me again in June about a video segment to illustrate the Neatorama post about anti-terrorism patents. I didn't write that one, but Alex is camera shy, so I was glad to jump in.

In May, I decided to change this site's format. It was somewhat gradual, since I had some stuff ready to go, but the response was immediate and phenomenal! My traffic has tripled, since other sites find it easier to link to one item at a time. If you are looking for a particular topic, you can still find the old topic-style entries listed by post title here, or by subject here. That last index link is not quite complete, but I'm working on it. Those will go in my sidebar as soon as life settles down a bit (so it might never happen)!

In June, The Neatorama Show debuted. There were only three episodes (here are episodes two and three), because I couldn't figure out what should go in a show that we couldn't just post to the site directly. Keep it simple, ya know. I'm not in a position to get on-the-spot reports because I have no cameraman and I live far away from anything interesting to record.

In July, I made a road trip to New York City to meet with my co-workers from YesButNoButYes and Mangesh from mental_floss.

Just last week, this site logged the millionth visit.

I am now in the process of making an interactive timeline about Miss Cellania (the blog) at Timetoast. It wouldn't be interesting to anyone besides myself, but it's a great application you can use to make any kind of timeline you like.

Posting may be a little thin next week, as I am moving into my new house. This blogging job isn't as easy as you may think, but it's still fun! Many, many thanks to everyone who visits, corresponds, links, and contributes to Miss Cellania! I couldn't do it without you!


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