Monday, May 08, 2006

Sex and the Senior Citizen

Nobody wants to give up the good stuff just because they get old! However, sometimes you have to make allowances for bodies that no longer do what they once did. And there’s that pesky little business about men who die off too early and leave a shortage for us women. But if you can get past that, more power to ya! The Baby Boomer generation, who now stares old age in the face, is trying to hold back the hands of time by sheer willpower... and doing a pretty good job of it!

A senior love story.

--- A 97-year-old man goes into his doctor's office and says, "Doc, I want my sex drive lowered."
"Sir," replied the doctor, "you're 97. Don't you think your sex drive is all in your head?"
"You're damned right it is!" replied the old man. "That's why I want it lowered!"

---The good news is that even as we get older, guys still look at our boobs. The bad news is they have to squat down first.

---I've still got it, but nobody wants to see it.

"OLD" IS WHEN. Your sweetie says, "Let's go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Pick one; I can't do both!"

"OLD" IS WHEN.. A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door.

"OLD" IS WHEN.. Going braless pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.

Love making tips for seniors

1. Put on your glasses. Double check that your partner is actually in bed with you.
2. Set timer for 2 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle.
3. Set the mood with lighting. Turn them ALL OFF!
4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial beforeyou begin.
5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember.
6 Keep extra polygrip close by so your teeth don't end up under the bed.
7. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.
8. Make all the noise you want. The neighbors are deaf too.
9. If it works, call everyone you know with the good news.
10. Don't even think about trying it twice


Two elderly women were walking through a museum and got separated. When they ran into each other later, the first women said, "Gracious! Did you see that statue of the naked man back there?" The second woman replied, "Yes, I was absolutely shocked. How can they display such a thing? The penis was so large!" The first old lady accidentally blurted out, "And cold, too!"


There were these twin sisters just turning one hundred years old in St. Luke's Nursing Home and the editor of the Cambridge rag. "The Cambridge Distorter" told a photographer to get over there and take the pictures of these 100 year old twins.

One of the twins was hard of hearing and the other could hear quite well.

The photographer asked them to sit on the sofa and the deaf one said to her twin, "WHAT DID HE SAY?"

He said, "WE GOTTA SIT OVER THERE ON THE SOFA!" said the other.

"Now get a little closer together," said the cameraman.



So they wiggled up close to each other.

"Just hold on for a bit longer, I've got to focus a little," said the photographer.

Yet again - "WHAT DID HE SAY?"


With a big grin the deaf twin shouted out, "OH MY GOD BOTH OF US?"


A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy:
"So I hear you're getting Married?"
"Do I know her?"
"This woman, is she good looking?"
"Not really."
"Is she a good cook?"
"Naw, she can't cook too well."
"Does she have lots of money?"
"Nope! Poor as a church mouse."
"Well then, is she good in bed?"
"I don't know."
"Why in the world do you want to marry her then?"
"Because she can still drive!"


Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.
A couple of days later the doctor spoke to Morris and said, "You're really doing great, aren't you?"
Morris replied, "Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'"
The doctor said, "I didn't say that. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur. Be careful.'"


An old lady was standing at the railing of the cruise ship holding her hat tight so that it would not blow away in the wind.

A gentleman approached her and said, "Pardon me, madam. I do not intend to be forward but did you know that your dress is blowing up in this high wind?"

"Yes, I know," said the lady. "I need both my hands to hold onto this hat."

"But madam, you must know that you are not wearing any panties and your privates are exposed!" said the gentleman in earnest.

The woman looked down, then back up at the man and replied, "Sir, anything you see down there is 85 years old. I just bought this hat yesterday!"


A little old lady is sitting on a park bench in Miami Beach. A man walks over and sits down on the other end of the bench. After a few moments, the woman asks, “Are you a stranger here?”

He replies, “I used to live here years ago.”

“So, where were you all these years?”

“In prison,” he says.

“For what did they put you in prison?”

He looks at her, and very quietly says, “I killed my wife.”

“Oh,” says the woman. “So you’re single...”


There were two elderly people living in a Florida mobile home park. He was a widower and she a widow. They had known one another for a number of years.

One evening there was a community supper in the big activity center. The two were at the same table, across from one another. As the meal went on, he made a few admiring glances at her and finally gathered his courage to ask her, "Will you marry me?"

After about six seconds of 'careful consideration,' she answered. "Yes. Yes, I will."

The meal ended and, with a few more pleasant exchanges, they went to their respective places. Next morning, he was troubled. "Did she say 'yes' or did she say 'no'?" He couldn't remember. Try as he would, he just could not recall. Not even a faint memory. With trepidation, he went to the telephone and called her. First, he explained that he didn't remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the lovely evening past.

As he gained a little more courage, he inquired, "When I asked if you would marry me, did you say 'Yes' or did you say 'No'?"

He was delighted to hear her say, "Why, I said, 'Yes, yes I will' and I meant it with all my heart." Then she continued, "I am so glad that you called, because I couldn't remember who had asked me."

Previously on Miss Cellania: Old Folks

Thought for today: "Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." Camille Paglia


  1. Okay, I'm starting to resemble some of those, dammit.

  2. Wow... I get to have sex when I'm old? Oh boy, I can hardly wait. ;-)

    Thanks for the giggles! Have a great day.

  3. i wonder if old people in the next 20 years will the sole driving force behind increased sales in astroglide? hrm...

  4. I remember when my grandfather was told (by his cardiologist) that if he was to stay alive and healthy, he'd have to give up sex.

    "Sorry, doc, I'd rather die happy," he replied.

    He and my grandmother were in their late 70s at the time. Grandpa relayed the conversation to my dad, who told me.

    I had a hard time dealing with that. Ewwww.

    But you know what? May I have the same problem when I'm old!

  5. Jules, I promise I won't laugh. At least you're getting some!

    Karen, that reminds me of the old joke: Doc, will I be able to play the piano after this operation? Why sure you will! Thats great, because I never could before!

    Jacek, you bet they will... thanks to Viagra!

    Saur, what those young folks don't know won't hurt them.

  6. Ah, Misc.

    Best post in ages. I laughed and laughed. Good stuff.


  7. I have often said that I haven't had sex in so long that I've fogotten where I put the handcuffs.

  8. Hi Miss C, having broken the ice, so to speak, on commenting I thought I should say something here, just in case that great grandfather story turns out to be true, again a confusing question comes to mind..... do you have to have somebody else there for it to be considered sex... I'm just askin'

  9. Peter, I sure hope not, because there ain't nobody else here!

  10. Well hell. I'm sure not gonna let any sins get by me at this late stage in the game!
