Monday, May 08, 2006


Rocky Jay wrote a post about the Three Stages of Blogging. According to this, by the time you resort to posting links, your blog is on its deathbed. Oy. Mine started out that way. And (horrors) if you blog about blogging, thats even worse. Well, he did it, so I can do it. Since I’m on my deathbed anyway, why not let it all hang out! But seriously, the goal here is to not take it too seriously. Have I ever been serious here? OK, maybe once, but I can’t FIND a serious post, and I looked, for about 90 seconds.

The Top 500 blogs. And honestly, does the world really need more than 500?

The dullest blog in the world. I guess he found his niche.

Deciphering Bloggers tries in vain to make sense out of various blogs, with utter strangeness ensuing. See what he got out of mine!

Some blogs have a test to make sure a commenter is a real person. What if we had a test to make sure a commenter is a SMART person?

The Ego in Blogging. I don’t understand hardly any of this. But I’m blonde, so its OK!

If you are a blogger with any shred of self-importance left, check out this glossary. It will cure you! But if you still think you‘ve got it going, the folks at I Talk Too Much will glady take you down a peg or two.

Rocky Jay and I aren’t theonly ones to resort to blogging about blogging. Its an epidemic! Check out FTS on the blogging process. And the science/religion of Bloggintology, by Monty. Driftglass opines on the real value of your hit counter. And here’s The Blue Skunk on Blogorrhea (noun. An unusually high volume output of articles on a blog).

What do a bunch of bloggers do when they get together face to face? Run Girl Run has the photographic evidence. So does Hoss.

Steve Covell wrote about the Three Stages of Blog Awareness. Then Joi Ito took it one step further and described Blog Addition. Some people are suffering horribly from it. Then Wulfweard came up with a recovery program:

12 Step Program of Recovery for Blog Addicts

1) I will have a cup of coffee in the morning and read my newspaper like I used to, before the Web.

2) I will eat breakfast with a knife and fork and not with one hand typing.

3) I will get dressed before noon.

4) I will make an attempt to clean the house, wash clothes, and plan dinner before even thinking of the Blogging.

5) I will sit down and write a letter to those unfortunate few friends and family that are Blog-deprived.

6) I will call someone on the phone who I cannot contact via the Web.

7) I will read a book...if I still remember how.

8) I will listen to those around me and their needs and stop telling them to turn the TV down so I can hear the music on the Web.

9) I will not be tempted during TV commercials to check for email.

10) I will try and get out of the house at least once a week, if it is necessary or not.

11) I will remember that my bank is not forgiving if I forget to balance my checkbook because I was too busy Blogging.

12) Last, but not least, I will remember that I must go to bed sometime ... and my Blog will always be there tomorrow!

A cottage industry has grown up around bloggers and their addictions. You can shop at the No One Cares About Your Blog store. Mommy Needs Coffee sells the I Will Blog You t-shirts. She might need to try Blogger’s Blend coffee.

This wonderful, inspiring, and talent-laden (not to mention humble) post would not be complete without some lists. So read the Top Ten Blogger Lies, and the Top Ten Reasons Nobody Reads Your Blog.

Your Blogging Type is Social and Responsible

You enjoy blogging and do all you can to advance the blogging community.
From helping friends set up blogs to getting rid of spam - you take a leadership role.
A super blogger, you tend to blog regularly. You'd hate to disappoint your audience.
And always appropriate, there's no way you'd blog something too personal!

Thought for today: I blog, therefore I am a blogger. What?


  1. I can't even get through my blogroll every day, who needs the top 500?! LOL

    Ohhh, so that's why no one reads my blog, I'm doing it wrong. ;-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Thank goodness... not only is there NO TEST for intelligence for blog posters (LUCKY FOR ME!) but I also got in after that famous blogger MAKE EXTRA MONEY! I just love that guy! ~ jb///

  3. The 12 step recovery program is too hard.

  4. Next I am going to write about you writing about me in your blog in my blog!

    P.S. Forgot the 4th Stage: resurrection! We've still got hope left.

  5. I think I'm addicted to YOUR blog. At least I spend twice as long reading stuff here as anyplace else. So much to look into and then of course I can never get back to where I started...Oh, it's just all so hard. But I just keep coming back.

  6. Oh I disagree , the Dullest blog in the world as one of the most thouroughly entertaining things iv'e read in ages.

    I'm now considering starting a fresh new blog based on the descriptions of the insides of various ping pong balls.

    Then well see who's dulest.

  7. The only quibble I would have about the 12 step stuff is that you can do a lot of your banking online, and that is another way to waste a lot of time. Otherwise, most of the other steps apply to me one way or the other. Life was different before computers, but I wouldn't go back if I could. Je bloge, donc je suis un bloggeur.

  8. Rocky Jay wrote a post about the Three Stages of Blogging. According to this, by the time you resort to posting links, your blog is on its deathbed.

    Rocky Jay is fullashit.

  9. Hi Miss C, thanks for the visit to holtieshouse, your comment raises the question of whether I'm old enough to be a great grandfather, (or perhaps great at anything,) well I'm not, its all some huge mistake that my family have conspired to confuse me with.
    At least that is my clearest recollection of it all.

    I have been a lurker here for quite a while now, but I find by the time I follow links hither and yon I'm too exhausted to comment.

  10. OMG! I'm addicted! I rarely get out of the house before noon!!

    (wonder if that place in Malibu has treatment for blog-addiction?!)

  11. Loved this post and all the links. I have been here and there (visiting links) for over 30 minutes. Personally I never tire of the blogging subject. :-)

  12. Hiy'all! Blogger will not let me publish today. I've tried several different things, now I am looking for a new hosting site, but having some problems. Bear with me. I will be using the address when I get things together. Thanks!

  13. Update: I've got a new site going. Its in the rudimentary stages, but I'll get a post up most days, so go to and please update your blogrolls if I'm on it. Thanks!

  14. Ok I'm gonna go see if I'm on the top 500 and therefore require therapy if, never mind...I have a quality blogroll. :)

    I would invite you to call me, Miss Cellania but as you heard, I'm not quite sure where my cell phone is half the time.

  15. Ok I'm gonna go see if I'm on the top 500 and therefore require therapy if, never mind...I have a quality blogroll. :)

    I would invite you to call me, Miss Cellania but as you heard, I'm not quite sure where my cell phone is half the time.

  16. Does the world nedd more than 500 blogs? Depends on whether or not mine is on the list!

  17. Your blog should be the number one!
    Its great fun reading your blog as always.

  18. I was blogging about blogging when I first started. Fortunately I recognized the "Jump the Shark" quality to doing that, so I made sure to poke fun at myself for doing it, thus warding off the "demensia" qualities of it.

  19. It's a slippery slope indeed! I busted out of rehab just last week! hehe

  20. Hey, the guy who was questioning the naming of your blog? I told him the smart ones among us had already figured it out. Maybe I should spell it out for him, or write it in brail or sign it to him????

  21. I miss you and all the joy your blog has brought to my dull and uninteresting life.I hope all is well with you and look forward to reading/veiwing your blogs in the future. Many Thanks for your hard work thus far. You are a wonderfuly funny and bright light amongst the many dull bulbs.

  22. Y'all come to
    I'm posting new stuff there!

  23. Okay, I'm coming to see the new site, but first, I feel compelled to comment on this post! Who in the world would want to give up this addiction??? I am happy, having abandoned myself to the blogosphere. So, there.

  24. The dullest blog is actually kind of funny, I liked it! Off to check out your new location now...

  25. LOVING your blog! My dear friend Capt. Picard recomended you from my HDQ (hump day question). My question was "What is your favorite blog" b/c I'm looking for fun blogs to visit. He recommended your blog for humor. So glad he did!

  26. Good lord. Everybody's a critic, huh? Nice post..and much more interesting than "opening the cupboard door."


  27. For that 12 step program to work, I would need to admit I have a problem. Frankly, I have it under control.

    What? I can stop blogging anytime that I want to stop. It's not like I need to blog. It's just that the other kids are doing it. What? Stop judging me.

  28. Maybe you've noticed there is no new content here. Blogger is frozen! Come to my NEW site on Squarespace, at Miss Cellania!

  29. Very interesting post - AND oh so true. I don't remember when I balanced our check-book the last time...
    But I just blog because I have fun with it. If people don't like what I have to say - hm - well than. Maybe that is why I am not one of the top 500 blogs -lol.

    BTW - congrats on your silver medal - it is ready for 'pick-up' - thank you for playing along...

  30. Very funny. (If it is indeed supposed to be so.)
