Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Damsel in Distress

All day, I have been unable to read any blogs on blogger/blogspot. They will partially load, but rarely can I read anything, and never an entire post. Other websites work fine for me. I can read blogs on Live Journal and Typepad just fine, but I can't even see my own. As you can guess, I can post, but I can't see the finished product. This doesn't seem to be affecting anyone else, since I've had visitors today. Is there a blogger geek out there who can advise me? I'm using Mac OSX with Firefox. You can leave a comment, and it will copy to my inbox (but I won't be able to respond, since your address won't be there), or email me through my profile. Thanks! I hope to be back reading and commenting soon!

Miss Cellania


  1. Everything worked very slowly for me blogwise today ... maybe there was just a constipated blogworld!
