Monday, September 02, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Godzilla: The Official Cookbook is available for pre-order now. (via Everlasting Blort)

The Nuremberg Code isn’t just for prosecuting Nazis − its principles have shaped medical ethics to this day. (via Damn Interesting)

‘The Human Owl’: The Twisted Life of Sideshow Star Martin Laurello. The article includes a video of Laurello doing his thing. (via Strange Company)

4 Bavarian tourists visited Leavenworth. Here’s what they thought. (via Metafilter

The Greatest Fart Jokes Ever Told.

50 Of The Most Adorable Photos Of Pregnant Animals.

The Curious History of Competitive Eating. The annals of competitive eating contests are full of more than just hot dogs. (via Strange Company)

We Have Updated Our Children’s Menu Options to Better Reflect What We See Your Children Doing in Our Restaurant. (via Nag on the Lake)

A Blast from the Past (2015): 6 Deadly Labor Disputes.

1 comment:

  1. But that Nuremberg Code prevents smarter folks from implementing Eugenics to produce better, more profitable employees. Now we have to depend on advancing AI and bots to bolster profits.

    Farts are a normal biological function, not a legitimate subject of humor. Do we make jokes about other functions like eating, breathing and procreation?
    Er... um, nevermind.

    How angry and frustrated did those men have to be to walk away from the support of them and their family.
    Rich Boss... Go back to work. Let me sleep on it, and I'll give you an answer in the morning.
    Workers... I gotta know right now! Before we work any further, do you pay me, and pay me fairly?
    Rinse & repeat.
