Sunday, September 15, 2024

His Own Supply


  1. I don't like or use marijuana, but it still smacks my head that any government can make it illegal.
    I have been nearly killed by drunk drivers, been in fights with drunk people (ex taxi driver) but never ever had a problem with anyone stoned on marijuana, yet most countries make one illegal and the other not.
    It must be about the taxes, just tax the weed .... bro.

  2. This is ridiculous. The people who used technicalities to snare this guy ought to get 6 years in prison.

  3. It was made illegal to provide work for the Eliot Ness Untouchables at the end of prohibition. Nobody thought much about it because the only ones doing it were Black musicians.
    Between Philly airport and the Westinghouse Steam Turbine plant was a marsh with almost impenetrable 10 ft high weeds, and several nightclubs up on stilts. Every Jazz and Blues musician tried to play those clubs, and all the big names would include them on their tours. Why? Because they grew the best pot in those marshes.
