Friday, September 13, 2024

Four Kinds of Teachers

The kids have gone back to school again, and it occurs to me that this year is the first that I don't have any children in school in a quarter-century. Yeah, they grow up fast, but they stay in school as long as they can. Anyway, a video from Charlie Berens completely captures the gym teacher, the cool teacher, the art teacher, and the substitute teacher in every school. They are exactly the same as they were 50 years ago when I was a student- I can even name them. You know these folks, even if you haven't been to school in a long time.  


  1. I closed Wolski's.
    (only another Wisconsinite will get the reference)


  2. Wolski's bar is perhaps best known for its "I closed Wolski's" bumper stickers, which are given out to patrons who remain in the establishment until closing time. The stickers are found across Milwaukee and at locations around the world. According to the current owner, the tradition began 1973.

  3. Probably best to wait till the next day to put that bumper sticker on, no sense antagonizing the cops.
