Tuesday, September 17, 2024



  1. Is that $2.50 a gallon ?
    An American gallon is 3.78 litres.
    66 cents a litre
    We pay (NZ) $2.85 a litre
    Our $2.85 is $1.75 in US dollars
    You are paying a third of what we do !

    1. We also have no idea when this picture was actually taken. The truck itself appears to be displaying a Florida registration plate (and has a decal in the rear window in the shape of Florida), and as of today the price of unleaded gasoline in Florida ranges from $2.79 / gallon in some northern counties in the Panhandle, and varies across the state to as much as $3.34 / gallon in the extreme southern portion of the state.


  2. Yeah, gas and food are relatively cheap in the US, always has been, because we produce so much of it. Health care, education, and real estate are much more expensive here than other parts of the world.

  3. Biden did that
