Monday, September 16, 2024

Bonnie and Simba

Simba and Bonnie are smart dogs. They belong to Olga Jones, who is a British dog trainer, and they have been trained so well that they have achieved five Guinness World Records! Simba hold the records for the most coins deposited into a bottle by a dog in one minute, the fastest time to traverse between five standing bars by a dog, the most clothes hung on a washing line by a dog, and the most bottles deposited into a recycling bin by a dog in one minute. Simba and Bonnie together hold the record for the fastest time to complete 10 side leapfrog jumps by two dogs.

You might think that these records were established only because these two dogs are very good at these tricks. Guinness entries usually include the previous record holder, and there aren't any for these records. But don't let that detract from what good dogs these two are. (via Laughing Squid)

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