Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tweet of the Day



  1. As 14 year olds housesitting my brother's flat, my friend and I got to know the 27 year old next door ... a super cool dude, for sure, and we were both besotted in a teenager in awe of an older guy, platonic, sort of way.
    We watched him mainline something, the belt around his arm, the veins standing proud, and then the needle going in, then him not doing much.
    But he told us how wonderful it was, and we were thinking of ways to get enough money to join in with him.
    Two days later we woke to find police and ambulance people outside his flat, he had overdosed and died.
    My friend and I, to this day, haven't touched anything other than alcohol, but the above is sort of what I thought tripping would be like, so thanks for making it sort of real, at least in a sit at my computer and watch, way.
    I normally try and write something funny.

    1. One does not inject LSD. Dude was likely doing herion. Also you can’t OD on LSD like that. It doesn’t work like that it’s nearly literally impossible.
      That clip doesn’t look anything like what psychedelics effects look like either in case anyone wants to know. It’s trippy yes but again that’s not how any of this works since I’m already debunking.

  2. I don't think anyone mentioned injecting LSD.
