Thursday, August 29, 2024


Warning: this video is bloody and can be traumatic until it get really silly in the second half.

Have you ever been doing something normal like flossing your teeth and a tooth, or part of a tooth, just falls out? It's happened to me. Or maybe you've had nightmares like that. At any rate, that's what happens in the award-winning horror short Tooth. Director Jillian Corsie was inspired to make it by the weird feeling she got when her mother gave her the baby teeth she had saved. (via Nag on the Lake)


  1. Geez, MissC. You're damn accurate in your description.

    I once was chewing gum while running around a lake on a beautiful day and all of a sudden I felt and heard something very wrong. I immediately called my dentist's office and he was on vacation with his family skiing. Fortunately, his brother was able to fit me in for this emergency.

    The molar somehow just sheared apart on a diagonal. No telling how this happened. He was able to fashion a temporary repair but of course a root canal, post and crown were the eventual result.

  2. Once I went to the dentist and said can you put this crown back on? And I handed him the crown. He looked at me funny and said, this isn't a crown. This is your whole tooth.

    1. Gah! At the ripe old age of 32, I got into a hockey fight and the jerk punched me right in the jaw. Out pops the 14k gold crown I had since I was 13. I swallowed it.
      Aghast, I found it the next morning, smiling at me at the bottom of the commode.

  3. Jim, I swallowed my upper right front tooth (incisor?) at 7 PM the night before my wedding. I was staying at the best mans house that night and the hospital said wait for it. First thing Saturday morning the best man's wife who looks about 15 months pregnant takes me to their dentist and the waiting room was packed. We were sitting talking when the nurse comes out saying, "will the young man getting married today please come in."
    You should have seen the faces.
