Thursday, August 22, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Here's every song from the DNC state roll call. And a Spotify playlist. (via Fark)

‘Fearsome’ Saber-Toothed Cats Needed Their Baby Teeth and Mommies, Too.

A House You'll Want, For One Silly, Cool Reason.

10 of the Most Terrifying Tornadoes in History.

4 Reasons Why Bathrooms Are Designed So Weirdly.

Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93). Beautiful images, but a bit short on actual science. (via Moss and Fog)

The real reason Social Security is going broke. Spoiler: it's income inequality. (via Kottke)

The Rectangular Cows: Geometric Livestock Depicted in 19th-Century British Paintings. (via Everlasting Blort)

Try Your Hand at the New Word Puzzle Gisnep. (via Metafilter)


  1. The article on the Tri-State Tornado contains an error in the last paragraph - "This twister also holds the record for duration and distance, traveling at speeds of 300 miles per hour for 3.5 hours over nearly 220 miles". The tornado did NOT travel at speeds of 300 mph - that was the wind velocity. The tornado did achieve an observed speed of 73mph. I was also disappointed that, in the Super Outbreak of 1974, the Xenia tornado was not singled out, as it may have been the only suspected instance of a (then) F-6 tornado in history.

  2. How big is the mouth of a cat with 7 inch saber teeth to be able to bite something? Seems like it would have to open 180° to use them.

    Nobody keep prescriptions in the medicine cabinet do they? Maybe aspirin at most.

    Poor boomers get blamed for everything wrong with the world, just because it's all their fault. SS & medicare will be OK as soon as all that money starts trickling down any day now.

  3. "The song serves as an ode to New York City..." What about the rest of us who don't live downstate in NYC? Another indication of a running problem.
