Friday, August 30, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Trying to outrun Ukrainian drones? Kursk traffic cams still issue speeding tickets.

When Female Sexuality Was Discovered 100 Years Ago. 

Things you grow to appreciate more as you age.

Moon Time Is a Thing Now—Here’s Why It Matters. Physicists recently created Coordinated Lunar Time, a time zone for our Moon.

Trump Calls Out Arlington National Cemetery For Hazard-Filled Fairways. Yes, it's The Onion.

Disney Princess Cakes For Grown-Ups.

How One Japanese Company Has Survived For 1,400 Years. (via Damn Interesting)

Paper types ranked by likelihood of paper cuts. (via Boing Boing)

The insane battlefield myth of a teenager getting pregnant from a Civil War bullet. (Thanks, WTM!)


  1. Female Sexuality links to the drone speeding article

  2. Have been following the Russian War Against Ukraine on a daily basis. The Art Technica article gives the impression that Ukrainian drones are attacking Russian civilian vehicles, which they do not. War vehicles, especially supply trucks, are targets. If Russian civilians are fleeing from drones looking for trucks full of weapons and ammunition, then that is purely paranoia. That the local speed monitors don't recognize this perfectly reasonable fear suggests a directive from the top. Meanwhile, the Russians are happily targeting Ukrainian civilians.

  3. Ooops!n Sorry about that. Link fixed now.

  4. I've learned that I'll act my age when and if I look like my age. Until then, don't hold your breath.

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  5. Good, let the war come to the Russian people. There’s nothing quite as offensive nor easier for neighbors to commiserate, than an unjust traffic ticket. Sometimes it’s the burr under the saddle more than the sprained horses leg that spurs the resolve to act.

    Female Sexuality discovered 100 years ago is not accurate. Women always knew they got horny, just weren’t allowed to talk about it without being labeled a pervert or mentally ill.

    The people complaining about divorce and step-parents when they were 7 to 11 years old, took away the idyllic days with grandparents on the farm, should stop and think. That’s the age when kids learn about the responsibilities of growing up... and it only gets worse from there. So it may not be the result of adults making changes.

    Moon time? Screw it, I ain’t going.

    Those Disney cakes are terrible, what sort of savage would cut them up?

    Some paper cuts seem a lot more painful for some reason
