Thursday, August 01, 2024

How the Government's Riskiest Labs Contain Deadly Viruses

Government laboratories run by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) do research on virulent diseases like smallpox, ebola, and Marburg virus in order to keep us all safe. But what about the people who work in those labs? The safety protocols have to be on the level of The Andromeda Strain. And just like that book and movie, the strictness of the different levels correspond with the danger in the virus being studied. The first level is on par with what hospitals require of visitors to an infectious patient with, say, flesh-eating bacteria. Don't ask me how I know. Above that, the protocols get very serious. The most serious of these virus labs is one that hasn't even been built yet, but will cover a big chunk of ground in Atlanta. This video from Half as Interesting is only seven minutes long; the rest is an ad. (via Digg)


  1. I bet they don't have Bud Lite in their fridge, only .....

  2. That new lab is huge, hopefully designed and built in a way new technologies can be added as they evolve.
