Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Wolverine

National Geographic gives us a film about the wolverine. It is the largest member of the weasel family, but that's about all we learn about it, because the narrator got bored, so the film is unexpectedly short. The narrator is Deadpool, or actually Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool. Is this really an ad for Deadpool & Wolverine, which opens this weekend? That would explain why the subject is a wolverine, but this was really released by National Geographic. It turns out this is an ad for a National Geographic show, and the Deadpool & Wolverine movie was just a fortunate opportunity for a collaboration that people would actually watch. (via Geeks Are Sexy)


  1. Tut. What happened to your proofreader?

  2. I don't have one. This blog is a nonprofit, after all.

  3. Love it, LOL! "Probably for a pay check"

  4. To err is human, to non proofread divine.

  5. Anybody else feeling a slight twinge of "I don't care" when it comes to a billionaire doing a desultory and negative narration about a sentient animal ?

  6. Great ad for the new Deadpool-Wolverine movie. In reality, though, wolverines are solitary, very dangerous animals and very rarely filmed. Yeah, boring until they claw your face off and pull out your intestines while you're still alive!

  7. Nonprofit? Balderdash, I profit here every day, and highly suspect I'm not alone.
