Monday, June 24, 2024

Tweet of the Day

We know he's forgetful, but Boing Boing posits the theory that he never bothers to learn names in the first place because that would be respectful and too much trouble.


  1. It really is amazing, and especially here outside of the USA, where the vast majority of people live ... majority means the most, and so many more .... that you, as a country, let the likes of Trump, and the old man Biden, be seen as your leader(s)

    Here on the other side of the Pacific Ocean (thats the big water off the coast of Los Angeles) we have stupid, greedy and incompetent so called leaders too, but we tend to shut them up when they get too outspoken or stupid.

    Golly, a few years ago we forced our Australian Prime Minister (thats similar to a president but without the helicopter) to swim out to sea as far as he could ... and we left him there. True story, look it up.

    Look, you invented Velcro, moon landing movies, Chevy Corvettes and prison labour, so you are not stupid, generally speaking ... but to let the world see you apparently led by complete morons, and one of them with a gilded face, ffs, is beyong comprehension.

    Barack Hussian Ayatolla Churchill Obama Somama may have bombed thousand of innocent children during his reign, but at least he could string together a sentence with a good few words of three syllables .... you all really should try and get someone with a bit bigger brain to be your figurehead.

    Sadly, I don't qualify ... being intelligent nd , oh yeah, not born in America.

  2. "Look, you invented Velcro, moon landing movies, Chevy Corvettes and prison labour... "

    Even this American knows that the original 'settlers' of Australia were convicts transported to the Australian colonies and according to the BBC, being able to trace one's lineage back to one of these prisoners is no small source of pride and social stature. And the concept of prisoners working off their crime had been policy in Merry Olde Englande as far back as the days of the American colonies.


  3. two.
