Monday, June 24, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

CLUE: This Naturalized U.S. Citizen Is Now Honored With a Forever Stamp. Yes, it's Alex Trebek, and you can pre-order a sheet of stamps here. (via Kottke)

10 Interpretations of Shakespeare’s Works. You can call them fan theories.

The Oldest Dog in the Shelter. Another heartbreaking story from Jenny-Jinya.

How Does Our Sense of Humor Change With Age? A Statistical Analysis. (via Digg)

The Real Story Behind The Bikeriders and the Danny Lyon Photography Book That Inspired It.

You Can Buy A Polished Tesla Cybertruck If You Need Everyone To Hate You.

Red, White, and Misused: How “Born in the U.S.A.” Became an Anthem for Everything That It Wasn’t. And other songs that this happened to. (via Metafilter)

Mr Moon and His Mummified Molly: 1904. More on Mr. Moon's life. (via Strange Company)

Grolar bear hybrids in N.W.T. all traced back to same 'strange' female polar bear. (via Damn Interesting)


  1. There's nothing wrong with my right frontal lobe; I read Miss Cellania for chrissakes. But I've outgrown Beavis and Butthead. And like gratuitous sex and violence, if humor gratuitously relies heavily on insults, physical gags, and jokes about bodily functions, then meh. As I've grown older I want smart intelligent humor like Sex Education, Russian Doll, and Resident Alien. Except for fart jokes of course. Who doesn't like a good fart joke? If you think fart jokes get old, then you're nothing but an old fart. Joke's on you!

  2. I fear it's only a matter of time before US postage stamps will become relegated to the same bin as many of the Caribbean or Pacific Island nations that issue postage stamps as revenue-producing commodities, churning out stamps to 'honor', 'celebrate', or 'recognize' literally anything that will hold still long enough to have its picture taken.   We philatelists have a derogatory term for these issues — 'wallpaper' — and many of us refuse to even consider them for inclusion in a collection.


  3. Congrats to Alex Trebek, a class act all the way.

    Nothing but an old fart? I represent that remark!

    Waiting for a Tesla on autopilot to not see the polished Cybertruck and T-bone it.

    Got in a little hometown jam
    So they put a rifle in my hand
    Sent me off to a foreign land
    To go and kill the yellow man
    What's not to make your chest swell with pride about that?

    I noticed all the bears in the Grolar piece were "harvested", not shot, killed, murdered.
