Friday, June 28, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Brutalist Lairs for a Villain and a Supervillain.

Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early pregnancy. (via Kottke)

The Most Metal Word in Christianity is Cephalophore. Find out what it means.

Silent Saviour: How Marcel Marceau Used Mime to Save Lives in WWII.

Rhino horns injected with radioactive material in bid to curb poaching. (via Damn Interesting)

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Unloads on Undecided Voters.

Scorching Heat Wave Turns Lincoln Wax Statue Into a Hot Mess. (via Nag on the Lake)

The Pickleback Cupcake Recipe You Never Knew You Needed.

A Blast from the Past (2016): 6 Adorable Animals on Skateboards.


  1. High melting points. Good conductor of electricity. Good conductor of heat. High density. Malleable. Ductile.

    That's metal. Dill with it. Which is what I might have to do with that recipe.

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  2. The second home for supervillians is only $443,818 a month but I presume that includes $483,938 in yearly taxes.

    I’m willing to bet the antiabortion fanatics are convincing people to join their ranks by promoting the idea that people wanting an abortion are cheap sluts trying to evade the consequences of their wanton behavior.
    I’ll also bet that the majority of the folks opposing it have no idea what’s involved in complicated pregnancies forcing the woman and her doctor sort out decisions nobody should have to make.

  3. Here's an addition to the skateboarding animals.
