Friday, March 22, 2024



  1. Here in New Zealand we had a guy shot in a gang drive by shooting.
    He bled to death in the gutter.

    On the news that night, and in the newspapers next day, they said he died from covid.

    This was a few days before my vaccination appointment.

    My lovely and intelligent ex-wife, who I had known since I 16, mother of my children, had been sending me videos about how bad the vaccine was ... sadly, this had altered my opinion of her to the extent I would spin my first finger next to the side of my forehead whenever I thought about her.

    However, when the above mentioned gang guy got labelled a covid death when he had clearly bled to death from a gun shot wound, I started questioning my thinking.

    Not long after I rang my ex-wife and fessed up and apologised to her.

    Anyhow, the doctor's rooms I was supposed to go to have the shot has plenty of off street parking, and the staff are very good at keeping to a time frame, so there would have been no waiting for me.

    Even more so as I didn't go, so someone else would have been able to go even sooner.

    Also my 20 year old Saab cannot be locked from the outside without the key, so .... that stuff never happens to me.

    And the lights ! I leave them on all the time, but when you turn the key off they go off ... why hasn't every car got that ?

    Much better than a Toyota CORONA !

  2. Some people should not be allowed to post on social media sites.

  3. It's hard for me to believe Deb Deblinger didn't post in that manner intentionally. Attention whore... speaking of which...

    I had trouble making the connection between a guy shot to death and vaccine effectiveness until I remembered down under everything is upside down.


  4. Attention whores with a sense of humor are the very best kind. I bet she does great Amazon reviews.
