Monday, March 25, 2024


It's a real sign of acceptance when a cat approaches you, but they have no concept of how that affects a human. They pull you in, and then crush your ego like a gnat. It's just a cat thing. This comic is from Offkeycomics. (via Geeks Are Sexy)


  1. They only pull you in then crush you?
    Nonsense, you do it to yourself. When they come near, your irrational brain says the cat is my buddy he wants to interact with me.
    Meanwhile the cat has no such thoughts, it only comes to see if you're sneaking food on the sly, like a combination hall monitor/executioner.
    He/she feels you should be honored to be his servant and allowed to live on his turf.

  2. All cats are different, but most don't like an hand facing up coming toward their face--that's how cats attack each other. Better to reach around to scratch them on the neck and below/behind the ears.
