Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Did The Daytona 24 Hour Race Actually End After Only 23 Hours? An Explainer.

The Confusing Truth About Arrowroot. It's name given to many different plants.

How the Unicorn Became an Enduring Symbol—and Scotland’s National Animal.

Pair of Small 17th-Century Portrait Paintings by Rembrandt Are Rediscovered After 200 Years.

Worldwide, young women are becoming more liberal while young men are becoming more conservative. I am shocked, shocked that men and women tend to go with the ideology that most benefits them. (via Metafilter)

New Zealand has a long list of banned baby names. Americans would laugh. (via Fark)

The colonoscopies were free but the 'surgical trays' came with $600 price tags. (via a comment at TYWKIWDBI)

Around the World in Eighty Lies. How a writer fabricated a series of stories for Atlas Obscura

Mad Max Muppets: Furry Road. (via Geeks Are Sexy)


  1. So Atlas Obscura cannot be trusted. If they discover a story is fabricated they do not take it down. I will keep that in mind, and will not treat them as a reliable source. Oh, and the article mentions that the NY Times does the same thing, but I already distrust the Corporate Media.

  2. As a man, I don't see how the MAGA agenda helps me at all.

  3. Slightly off-topic, but your Donovan
    post below reminded me that Melanie
    Safka has died. Most just knew her as


    And I always liked Candles in the Rain
    much more than that earworm Brand New Key.

  4. >> Brand New Key

    ~Gouges ears out with own keys~

  5. As a man, I would puke being call ed a conservative MAGA. I have been voting since the 70"s. Never once voted for a conservative who thinks things were better in the past.


  6. DWVR, that's a sticky conundrum in publishing. If a website just pulls the articles, it's like they never existed at all and nothing happened. Some would call that a cop-out. Atlas Obscura left them, but added a retraction and explanation at the beginning, admitting what happened.


  7. Bruce, that article is about trends among Gen Z, ages 13-27 or so. If you look back in time in those graphs to when you were that age, you'll find you are far from alone.
