Friday, January 26, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Paul Is Dead: The bizarre conspiracy that became part of The Beatles phenomenon.

The White House has its own pharmacy—and, boy, was it shady under Trump.

Pictures have been teaching doctors medicine for centuries − a medical illustrator explains how.

Ancient ‘chewing gum’ reveals poor Stone Age dental health. (via Damn Interesting)

I Miscarried in Texas. My Doctors Put Abortion Law First. (via Kottke)

The Braamfontein Explosion.  When 60 tons of dynamite goes off, you can kiss your town goodbye.

We Don't Kill Humans. A sci-fi story that will make you feel better about the human race.

British zoo has new plan to rehabilitate its potty-mouthed parrots. Good luck with that. (via Fark)

The puzzling case of a baby who wouldn’t stop crying—then began to slip away. 


  1. Hi Miss C! I have a rant today. Special shout out to the clueless, obviously young and brainless marketing wizards of light bulb moments over at Amazon Prime who thought Chicago's 25 or 6 to 4 is a great song to help two undersexed parents hype their product.

    I feel better now. Thanks for the digital space and Happy Friday!

  2. Aw, come on now, gwdMaine, you can't rant about that and NOT leave us a link!

    Happy Friday!

  3. Sorry. It's fricken everywhere. . .

    Amazon Prime - 25 or 6 to 4

    "Double Shot Dad" --snort

  4. Everywhere? This is the first I've seen it.

  5. I've never seen that either. And I don't get it. Amazon sells coffee and coffee makers and this will fix your life?

  6. In Texas, “where any pregnancy—wanted or not—carries a potential death sentence”.
    To be safe women should stop having sex.
    The men that run Texas might have a change of heart.

    The NRA has been trying to warn you about the Delpan danger.

    ♫ Staring blindly into space
    Getting up to splash my face
    Wanting just to stay awake
    ♪ Wondering how much I can take
    Should have tried to do some more
    25 or six to four
    A baby will minimize your sleep, keep you awake and exhausted like a bad trip.
