Monday, January 22, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Happy 40th Anniversary, Macintosh!

Why Does the United States Have Such an Insanely Large Prison Population? Many reasons, but the real one is "all of the above."

Empty Atlanta lot with no water line gets nearly $30K bill, owner appeals and loses. (via Fark)

Solving the Trolley Problem.

Who Invented Beer? (Thanks, Pierre!)

Global Screen Addiction: Your Online Time vs. the World’s Norms. (via Digg)

Always worth another look: Cats That Look Like Pinup Girls. (via Everlasting Blort)

A first-ever experiment shows how pigs might one day help people who have liver failure. A brain-dead patient's blood was filtered by a pig liver for 72 hours. (via Real Clear Science)

Eulogy of The Dog: The Story of ‘Old Drum.’ (via Strange Company)


  1. Whoever invented beer is I'm sure at this very moment sitting by the left hand of God.

  2. The way the trolley problem would play out IRL is that the bystander would do nothing.  Instead, they would pull out their smartphone, take a video of the carnage, and post it as a TikkyTakky challenge.


  3. Re: pigs: In the movie /Mr. Nobody/, in the future, people keep a little pet pig with them all the time, that has their genetic structure, so when parts or organs wear out, they replace them with parts from the pig, and get another pig. A place in that movie that really stuck in my mind is where the two adolescent children main characters are having their first sensual/sexual feelings; their bare summer arms lightly, barely perceptibly brush! and the camera goes in close on the skin. It's like in the Star Trek movie where the Borg queen whisper-blows on the patch of implanted human skin on Data's arm.

    And re: beer: Bleagh.
