Thursday, January 25, 2024

How to Know If You're Being Selfish

In any society, or even in small communities, there are a few people who are totally selfless, and probably more that never think of anyone but themselves. Most of us fall somewhere between those extremes. But are humans inherently selfish, and have to learn to think of others? Or have we evolved to consider the greater good for the well-being of the family and community? We know that the easiest way to be happy is to help others, but does that in itself make generosity transactional? Philosophers have struggled with these questions for quite some time. But for our personal lives, if we are concerned about being selfish, there are some ways to change one's attitude and become more tuned into the needs of others. This TED-Ed lesson from Mark Hopwood addresses selfishness from various angles.

1 comment:

  1. Short term altruism is long term self-interest.
