Thursday, January 18, 2024

British Blizzards Ain't Got Nothing on America

American temperature and weather extremes can be hard on anyone who grew up elsewhere. I know a family who is visiting from South America (where it is now summer) and landed in the US in a middle of a blizzard and a deep freeze. Well, to be honest, their flight was delayed a whole day due to the blizzard. Laurence Brown describes how that cognitive dissonance can affected a visitor.   


  1. This fucking wanker should try living in Canada.

  2. Bunny, you sound like you're out in the great wide open.
    Of course a lot of Americans live further north than many Canadians. But those Canadians have to put up with weather off the Great Lakes. Brrr, keep warm by shoveling. I have kin folk in Ontario and they can keep it. LoL
