Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Ask Google


  1. Does marker pen come off a laptop screen

    About 3,010,000 results (0.43 seconds)

    Editor: First try using a pink eraser to remove the mark. If the marker stain proves stubborn, a mixture of 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol with 2 parts water (you make have to tweak this proportions) can also remove the stain.

    11 Mar 2019

  2. 1 - I have no idea what a pink eraser is.
    2 - It is called Isopropyl Alcohol or Rubbing Alcohol, not both.
    3 - May is spelled may, not make
    4 - Google editor needs to go back to school
    5 - It really already is tomorrow the 2nd of February, where I am.

  3. There's only one way: you have to use white-out.

  4. "I have no idea what a pink eraser is."

    I had a friend from England who came to the US for college. She was diligently taking notes, then made a mistake she couldn't correct. She looked around then asked the boy sitting next to her if he had a rubber. He just stared at her with his jaw dropped. She didn't know what his problem was until she talked to her roommates later.

    He probably thought it was some weird UK dating ritual, but he didn't know the rules.
