Friday, November 24, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

The winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards have been announced.

Bizarre 'creature' with long, flailing arms spotted on Google Street View. (via Boing Boing)

The Mysterious Norwegian Art of Painting on Dead Fish. No one knows how artists pulled off a trick over 100 years ago.

I Drove the Las Vegas F1 Grand Prix Track in a 700-HP Aston Martin. A singular opportunity for an amateur.

We’ve been fighting poverty all wrong. The success of the expanded child tax credit shows why anti-poverty programs should be unconditional.

Lego Sets of Famous Moments in Psychology.

Mike Johnson's Adventures with the Meaning of Words. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

Guess who is sponsoring the Rolling Stones 2024 tour.

Tŷ Unnos: The One Night House. Build it before sunrise, and you own it. Brilliant!


  1. In 1992 while being interviewed by MTV, Bill Clinton was asked if he wore boxers or briefs? Clinton replied, "Boxers".

    In 2008 US magazine asked Obama, "Boxers or briefs"? Obama declined to answer the question.

    Last week AARP asked Joe Biden, "Boxers or briefs"? Biden responded, "Depends".

    Happy Friday Miss C!

  2. Trump wears panties with Putin's face inside them.

  3. That explains why I got an email from AARP offering me the opportunity to buy tix to the Stones' concert stop in Chicago before they went on sale to the general public – by which I mean the scalpers and ticket resale sites like StubHub.

