Tuesday, November 21, 2023

In Memory of Rosalynn Carter

(via Fark)


  1. That's a sick burn on Trump, but not a sick as when the Devil gets hold of him.

  2. Using the death of an amazing woman to take a jab at Trump? Classy

  3. Who said anything about Trump? He doesn't claim to be a Christian.

  4. Trump said he was Christian. Then he crapped all over Christianity.

  5. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2020/10/23/trump-once-presbyterian/

  6. Yeah, like anyone ever saw Trump in a church other than at a funeral or wedding. Whatta fool.

  7. She was a gem, as is he, and no comparison to anyone is necessary to recognize the value and wonder we lost in her death. These two practice/observe(d) a standard we could all do well to take a moment to try to emulate.

  8. From across the seas we all watch you Americans.

    The Carters are, and have always been, a glowing testimonial to the fact there are some genuinely fantastic people in your midst.

    Rosalynn's passing makes us sad.

  9. To anon in comment 2 –

    You mean to tell me you don't think The Dumbold wouldn't do something like that if he thought it would be to his advantage?  Look at what he had to say about John McCain, just to cite one example.

