Sunday, October 15, 2023

What's an Illegal LEGO Build?

I had no idea where YouTuber Brick Bending was going with this stack of LEGO bricks, or what was illegal about it. In the world of LEGO artists, "illegal" doesn't have anything to do with copyright. A building technique is "illegal" if it puts stress on the pieces, which would wear them out before their time. This happens when there are incomplete connections, bending, or insufficient support. In this build, he insists there is no stress on the bricks, just incomplete connections when the project is done. No, I'm not going to tell you what he is ultimately making, because the process is as cool as the ultimate goal, but I will tell you to keep an eye out for some cool frame rate synchronization after it's completed.  

1 comment:

  1. Unorthodox is not illegal.
    They want to dictate how I use something I bought, paid for, and legally own?
