Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Beer Marionette

Here's a drinking game for one, developed in Bavaria and perfect for Octoberfest. It's more fun for those who watch, and the more you drink, the funnier it gets! (via Neatorama)


  1. You can see her thoughts, as the beer spills down into her cleavage ... "Ooh, I am SO glad I wore this low cut top"

    But is that a sarcastic thought ?

    I can't tell, I have never had to flaunt parts of my body for attention.

    Luckily for all.

  2. Thinkin' 'bout yer man-boobs, Billy me boy!

  3. There's a reason God, Mother Nature, or whoever arranged it so guys would be so attracted to these particular pieces of anatomy.  So I say, if ya got it, flaunt it.


  4. > I can't tell, I have never had to flaunt parts of my body for attention.

    No, but you certainly flaunt parts of your winning personality for attention.
