Monday, October 30, 2023

Donut's Spooky Behavior

Liam and Petra couldn't figure out what was going on with their cat Donut. He screamed all the time! The beginning of this video makes you feel like you are going to have a supernatural encounter, and that's understandable, I guess, since Halloween is so close. But having Marshmallow, who is a lot like this, I could spot Donut's problem right away. Not that it's really a problem, it just takes some adjusting. All in all, Donut is a much-loved cat who is lucky to have such a great family. You can see more of this powdered sugar Donut at Instagram and YouTube.


  1. The cat scaring them reminds me of this non-cat story: a former co-worker and his son liked to scare each other.

    The best scare was when the son hid under the desk in the co-worker's home office. One day, the co-worker sits down at the desk and starts working--but the son did nothing. About 10 minutes later, the son grab his dad's leg. Scared his dad half to death.

  2. Donut sounds like a sweet widdle baby

  3. Marshmallow doesn't get startled much, because I have wood floors and she knows someone is coming. I can usually wake her up or get her attention with a stomp, even in the next room. She knows when I wiggle my fingers, that's calling her to come. If she's asleep when it's time for Fancy Feast, I like to hold the dish near her nose to wake her up. But there's nothing I can do about her loud, nasal meowing.
