Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Only River That Flows Into Both the Atlantic and the Pacific

Gravity will have its way, and it controls the way water works everywhere on earth. Traditionally, people have respected that, and settled into places where nature provides a water supply. But in the modern era, people often disregard nature's water supplies to rely on technology. Still, there's a limit to how much we can do to overcome the laws of gravity and the enormous geography we have. Half as Interesting take a look at the way water flows in North America, and focuses on a singular anomaly in Wyoming. That's the home of mysteriously-named North Two Ocean Creek. Far from any ocean, this is the one place along the Continental Divide where water can flow to either the Atlantic or the Pacific Oceans! It's not a phenomena we can engineer to bring water to the people who need it; it's both unique and natural.  

1 comment:

  1. They managed to make an entire video WITHOUT SHOWING THE ACTUAL DANG PARTING!
